I know what you’re thinking; you can’t wait to get your fall photos done, but you’re not sure when the brightest and boldest colors will be where you live.
Did you know that there is a tool you can use to check peak foliage in your area? That’s right! This little online tool, courtesy of SmokeyMountains.com, lets you use a slider tool at the bottom of the screen to check foliage.
While it isn’t 100% accurate, it gives a pretty good estimate. It only shows the continental United States (Sorry Alaska & Hawaii), and the dates range from September 7th to November 23rd.
Screenshot curtesy of SmokeyMountains.com
The map uses a color key to represent changes, with green being no changes and a very dark red that symbolizes past peak. While bare trees are still just as pretty in their own right, having fun fall colors as your scenery is also a fun choice.
I use this tool every year for scheduling fall photos, and it works out pretty well for me. Take a look at some of the amazing photos taken of Laura and Deanna in late October of last year.
This was a morning session and the yellow really pops here.Even Cooper got to join in on the fall photo fun!There is no confusion as to what season it is.A color-speckled mountain range always makes for a beautiful background.These two look like they’ve really…fallen in love…(please keep reading)
Another reason their photos popped so well with the colors is because of their amazing outfits!
They chose some bold colors for a fun pop and some solid neutrals to get that dreamy look.
One of the keys to successful photos in any season is the colors and patterns in your outfits. Keep in mind that you want to stay with light colors, neutrals, and minimal patterns for that dreamy romantic look. If one of you wears a pattern, the other should wear a solid to keep the photo from being too busy.
I have more about picking out engagement outfits here.
-Taliya Michelle
Sep 16, 2020
Checking Peak Foliage to Get The Best Colors For Fall Photoshoots
If you're new here, then let me welcome you to my blog! Taliya Michelle, here, owner of TM Grey Photo & TM Grey Events. I am a New Jersey based Wedding & Portrait Photographer and a certified Wedding & Event Planner. I of course, serve New Jersey couples, but I travel to Connecticut, New York, Eastern Pennsylvania, and wherever happy couples need their love stories told.
This is a place where I can journal about my lovely clients, what's going in my world, and of course give tips to all the future spouses and wedding vendors alike. Be sure to check my Instagram for the latest!
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